Sunday, April 15, 2012

a pirate's life for us!

friends and gluties! i have missed you all, and i promise there are some great recipes coming soon. i have been hooked on grilling, olives, fruit, and other healthy, gluten free goodies that i want to share with you all. stay tuned.

in january, i told you all we were praying to all be together soon with our families, especially my baby nieces, and a new baby niece on the way in june. i have cried numerous days in driving back from north carolina or after a convo with my nieces on the phone, ending in "i love you aunt jamie." sigh, melts my heart. i knew it was all up in the air, and all depended on where patrick matched for his residency program. i had all the faith in the world in his abilities, smarts, and overall hard-work, but still, nothing was promised. interviews ended after the new year, and we heard from a few schools that were very interested in patrick as a resident. match day came in march, then 4 days later, patrick called me with the words i've been holding my heart for years now. "east carolina university!" what?? yes, WE'RE MOVING BACK TO NORTH CAROLINA!

i didn't know if i'd ever say it, but now that i do i want to sing it from the rooftops! i'm so proud of my babe and i know he's so excited about the program. i called my mom that day, and told her, "mama, i'm coming home!" and she cried. we cried. god had listened and is faithfully bringing our families back together. the last 4 years have been an amazing learning experience, and pat and i have learned so much about caring for each other because many times it's just been... us. he's my rock and has been a wonderful husband. in the coming year we will be centrally located between both our families, and can visit any time we want without taking off too much time or driving for an entire day. it's going to be a whole new world. i can see my nieces growing, and my new niece being born. it's going to be amazing. on top of it all, my husband will be a doctor and doing all the wonderful things he does in a real job that he desires. god. is. so. good.

on the agenda right now is house shopping. whoa. it's more than likely going to work out because i've been making money these last 4 years, and we have great credit. also, patrick will now be under contract, which adds to our income. speaking of income, i'm on the job search, and exploring what i want to do next in social work. every time we've moved thus far, i've dove into a new facet of social work, so we'll see how that goes. with the university there, i won't be surprised if i end up there-- teaching or learning-- just because i forever love both of those things. i also still harbor my passion for hospice. we'll see what works itself out.

in the coming weeks, i will have to say goodbye to my job and my fabulous hospice team that has been like a family to me and patrick the last 2 years. this will be hard. really hard. even harder. saying goodbye to my patients. they have changed my life, and i will thank each and every one of them for all they've taught me. they are the reason i do what i do. i will never forget my years in hospice. it has changed me beyond words, made me stronger, and healed me from the inside out. it was the one thing i never thought i could do, and i did it. not on my own devices, but with strength bigger than myself. i am forever grateful.

tennessee has been one of the hardest, most challenging, most beautiful, and greatest growing experiences for the both of us. we will forever be in debt, even to the unmentionable things we've witnessed in this state, because they taught us, they moved us. this will be a big move, a lot of changing, tons of unknowns, but at the end of the day, it feels like going home.

north carolina, we're coming home...

Monday, February 6, 2012

rock the vote.

it is an epidemic in this country, especially among 20 to 30 year olds, of not-voting. not only do the 20s and 30s not vote, but we sit and complain aimlessly on facebook and other social media about things we hate about the country, president, our iphones, etc. you know, the important things in life, but we don't vote to change anything. we have lost faith, per se, in the leadership of the country-- from all parties-- and lost faith in the system that our vote even counts or makes a difference. therefore, we usually just stay home, even have american campaign themed parties. but we don't vote. it's ridiculous really. i'd like to say to those no-voters: stop complaining unless you vote. think about the analogy... it's like complaining that the grass is too high but never mowing it. it's like complaining your car is making too many funny noises, but never tuning it. it just doesn't make sense. rather you've lost your faith in the system or whatnot, at least consider the premise behind why we vote and how we gained the rights to vote. as a man, it may not be as 'meaningful' to you, but to myself, as a woman, i feel power as i vote. i visualize the women who fought for the right to vote, along with the people of color, and the agony of living in a country where they had no voice. can you imagine? i'm not one to be silent. in fact, i would have been in the fight to vote, no doubt. why have others decide for you? why live in a country where you don't exercise your hard-earned rights? this year, make it a point to vote. below are some links to get to you started. register. send it in. see you at the poles.

especially for tennesseeans: