Monday, February 6, 2012

rock the vote.

it is an epidemic in this country, especially among 20 to 30 year olds, of not-voting. not only do the 20s and 30s not vote, but we sit and complain aimlessly on facebook and other social media about things we hate about the country, president, our iphones, etc. you know, the important things in life, but we don't vote to change anything. we have lost faith, per se, in the leadership of the country-- from all parties-- and lost faith in the system that our vote even counts or makes a difference. therefore, we usually just stay home, even have american campaign themed parties. but we don't vote. it's ridiculous really. i'd like to say to those no-voters: stop complaining unless you vote. think about the analogy... it's like complaining that the grass is too high but never mowing it. it's like complaining your car is making too many funny noises, but never tuning it. it just doesn't make sense. rather you've lost your faith in the system or whatnot, at least consider the premise behind why we vote and how we gained the rights to vote. as a man, it may not be as 'meaningful' to you, but to myself, as a woman, i feel power as i vote. i visualize the women who fought for the right to vote, along with the people of color, and the agony of living in a country where they had no voice. can you imagine? i'm not one to be silent. in fact, i would have been in the fight to vote, no doubt. why have others decide for you? why live in a country where you don't exercise your hard-earned rights? this year, make it a point to vote. below are some links to get to you started. register. send it in. see you at the poles.

especially for tennesseeans: